Naturally Improve Your Chances for Pregnancy

Did you know that simple changes in diet and lifestyle can dramatically increase your chances of getting pregnant? Here are some other tips and tools. Know when you are in the moment of optimal fertility by measuring your basal body temperature, intercourse should occur a few days before and after ovulation begins. The other thing to observe is the quality of the cervical mucous, when it is most similar to egg whites is the moment. Another important element is body weight – you should be at the correct weight and not even just a little bit over or under, this is important to the hormones your body fat produces. A Bod
dy Mass Index between 20 and 24 is best. Next, it's important to be physically active to keep blood sugar and insulin at healthy levels. To ensure that your nutrition is excellent eat mainly plant-based foods, rich in seeds and nuts, fish, eggs, whole grains, vegetables and beans. That doesn't mean you should avoid fats altogether, just only eat healthy fats like avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, fish and eggs. Finally, work at feeling emotionally balanced as stress can upset your cycle.

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