Defeat Garden Pests

Don't let common garden pests get the better of your patience or ruin a beautiful flower display that you worked so hard to bring to life. Let's start with the most common of pests, the aphid. These little guys start out small and attack new growth leaving sad misshapen leaves. Lucky you, the easy organic solution is just to knock them off with a stream of water from your garden hose. If you like to grow broccoli or cabbage chances are you are already familiar with these caterpillars called cabbage loopers.
They blend in well with your plant and lay eggs that when hatched cut ragged holes in the foliage. The best solution is to use row covers or check regularly and squash the eggs and worms. Grasshoppers can be another pest that discourages your efforts. Coming in a variety of colors and sizes, all equally hungry, grasshoppers can really get your down. However, the solution is also a beautiful one, plant marigolds, calendula or sunflowers to attract other insects that attack grasshoppers. Finally, keep hornworms off tomato plants by picking them off and dropping them into a bucket of soapy water.

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