Sucked in By the Internet?

“I'm just going to check my email for one moment,” by now these have become famous last words as people are endlessly sucked into the Internet to follow up on email, Facebook, Google and the million other opportunities for distraction that the Internet offers us. However, scientists are now telling us this is normal human behavior in the face of how the Internet is structured. Though it's not addictive in and of itself, human behavior has a tendency to compulsively search for unforeseen retribution. The Inte
ernet feeds our compulsive and distracted tendencies. Since humans are social creatures we are drawn to the constant gossip feed and information about the rest of society that the Internet offers. And yet another reason that the Internet holds sway over us is because there are no boundaries between tasks, we can click into infinity about anything that interests us, the Internet requires willpower. Finally, it has been observed that email and other virtual communications can cause stress and make people anticipate and hold their breath while checking email, this email apnea can have a negative impact on our health. So remember to breathe deeply and concentrate on the task at hand when using the Internet.

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