How to choose the best Cloud Provider Type for you

Cloud Technology allows users to store and access data and programs over the internet instead of their computer's hard drive.

While hyperscale public cloud providers include some famous companies with familiar names, for manu organizations, a private cloud is a better choice.

In a "public cloud", data for multiple organizations may reside on the same physical server.
In a "private cloud" a cloud computing is used by only one organization, or its data are completely isolate from others. Being dedicated to a single organization, it can be architected to meet their specific needs.

A private cloud ensures you flexibility, resources availability, strong security and regulatory compliance.

Depending on the services offered, private clouds con be of different types:

- Virtual Private Cloud

It exists in a walled-off enviroment within a public cloud. The main server is shared within organizations, but the virtual logi isolates the data and applications of each cloud from the other making it private. This is the better option to save some money.

- Hosted Private Cloud

It consists of a separate server for an organization, which is not shared. Providers are responsible for the configuration of the hardware, software and network, but the server is used by a single organization, responsible for its day to day activities. It can be hosted on-premises or in a data center.
The best option for organizations looking for high security, with their own human resources to handle day to day operations.

- Managed Private Cloud

In this case, the cloud service provider not only host, but completely manage the private cloud.
The provider manages and monitors all the day to day operations, deploys and updates additional storage or identity management services.
The best option for organizations looking for high security but doesn't have its own experts to handle day to day operations. 


What is Hybrid Cloud?

It's a mixed computing, storage and services enviroment made up of on-premises infrastructure, private cloud services and a public cloud (like Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure) with orchestration among various platforms.
Combining public clouds with on-premises computing and private clouds, create an hybrid cloud infrastructure. 

The primary benefit of a hybrid cloud is agility. The need to adapt and change direction quickly is a core principle of a digital business. Your enterprise might want (or need) to combine public clouds, private clouds, and on-premises resources to gain the agility it needs for a competitive advantage.

Why should I use an Hybrid Cloud?

  • Frequently changing workloads. Use an easily scalable public cloud for your dynamic workloads, while leaving less volatile, or more sensitive, workloads to a private cloud or on-premises data center.
  • Separating critical workloads from less-sensitive workloads. You might store sensitive financial or customer information on your private cloud, and use a public cloud to run the rest of your enterprise applications.
  • Big data processing. It’s unlikely that you process big data continuously at a near-constant volume. You could run some of your big data analytics using highly scalable public cloud resources,and a private cloud to ensure data security and keep sensitive big data behind your firewall.
  • Moving to the cloud incrementally, at your own pace. See what works for your enterprise, and continue expanding your cloud presence.
  • Temporary processing capacity needs. A hybrid cloud lets you allocate public cloud resources for short-term projects, at a lower cost than if you used your own data center’s IT infrastructure.
  • Flexibility for the future. A hybrid cloud approach lets you match your actual data management requirements to the public cloud, private cloud, or on-premises resources that are best able to handle them.


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