Make the Party Into a Gift Itself

Everyone loves a good birthday party – that goes from 3 year olds up to 50 year olds! Turn a birthday party into a gift and you've done more than your share of giving. Children love the surprise and grown ups love not having to do all the work organizing and preparing – or cleaning up afterwards. If you are willing to roll up your shirt sleeves and do some work then its possible to make your party budget friendly as well. For example, create a circle party theme for kids. It's all a
about décor and balloons and they will love it. Cover your house with colorful polka-dots, plus get matching napkins, plates and cups. It's easy enough to make your own if you can't find them. For noisy fun pull out the bubble wrap or make a ball pit where kids can jump around burn off energy from the polka-dot birthday cake. What about shocking everyone and hosting a messy party? It could start out as a silly string war, an egg or water balloon toss and end with a pinata that lets out a slimy surprise! Then you may let the kids go crazy doing splatter paint outdoors in a prepared area. Remember to have a hose down area at the end and clean towels to pass out!

for you

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