Proven Ways to Get Kids to Eat Their Veggies

Every mother or father knows well what it feels like to argue with a child to get him or her to eat vegetables or healthy food. Kids can be ridiculously stubborn! The good news is, it's not impossible, but it will require persistence and consistency from parents, but if you follow through you'll get results. To begin, however, you'll have to be ready to set an example and make sure you regularly eat vegetables and they see you.
Make eating and your food fun, create games that will get a child's attention and inspire them to taste new foods. Probably the most important rule for getting children to eat their veggies is to get them involved in your culinary process. That can be as simple as helping you buy groceries and prepare dinner or it can be having them help in the garden, clean the vegetables for dinner, experiment new recipes and much more. Finally, spare yourself the slack and don't force them to eat what they don't want, but reward good behavior strongly.

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