How to Do a Full Body Cleanse Diet

The goal of a full body cleanse diet is to help decrease the workload on one's digestive organs while keeping the body energized enough to do its daily activities. Your body has the natural ability to cleanse itself, it's not the foods that one eats that actually cleanse it – however – you can take the stress out of your digestive system, leaving your body more energy to concentrate on other processes, like cell growth and renewal. The top food choices for a detox cleanse are fruits and vegetables. This is be
ecause they are easy to digest and rich in water, as hydration is very important for a cleanse. An important aspect of a cleanse is to prepare your body, this means tapering your intake of coffee, alcohol, salt, sugar and animal foods. In the morning consider starting with a smoothie of raw fruit and vegetables, in the afternoon enjoy a large salad with fresh dressing and avocado, and in the evening eat raw fruits and veggies again. If you don't think that's enough food to stave off hunger, enjoy steamed vegetables. Do this cleanse for however many days one desires and then slowly proceed with integrating other foods back into your diet.

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