What you have to know about Business Phones

Keeping a separate number on your mobile devices for business makes it possible to separate your work life from your private life.

If you’re asking “Should I get a separate cell phone for business?” keep in mind you don’t necessarily need an entirely new phone. You just need a system in place that can help you keep your personal texts and calls separate from your working hours.
When you go home for the day, it’s important that you feel a clear delineation between working hours and personal hours. That happens when you separate your personal phone from your business phone. You won’t fully rest and recuperate for the next day if you’re constantly checking your phone and answering client questions. 

Keeping a separate number on your mobile devices for your business makes it possible to do entirely different things with your phone system.
You can hire a voice professional to record your greeting message. You can set up call forwarding to your team. You can use a voice prompt menu. You can do all sorts of things—but not if you’re answering on your personal number.


When choosing a system, consider:

  • The size of your business. How many employees need a phone number?
  • How many lines do you need? How many people are typically on the phone at the same time?
  • Will your staff need to be trained? Is the system easy to use?
  • Of the features offered, how many are basic and included in the package? How many will you need to add on and how much will that increase the total price of the system?
  • Can the system grow easily with your business? Will you need to add new equipment as your business expands?


In conclusion, the personal number is a direct link between you and the customer. That’s a great thing if you’re just starting in business and need to offer great service. But it’s not exactly a great thing if your business is growing and you have to spend more time optimizing the business itself. The more valuable your time becomes, the better off you’ll be separating yourself from the customers.

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