Paint Your Home With Natural Pigments

Natural earth pigments were once the only choice for painting a home – or anything for that matter – now however chemical-based colors have become the normal and low-cost choice. However, in the past years natural pigments are coming back as a popular choice both because of their beauty and as a healthy alternative to conventional paint which contains toxic materials or petroleum-based ingredients. Other perks include the fact that natural pigments release moisture naturally and so your walls are less prone to mold. Since ecol
logical colors tend to cost more than twice that of conventional paint, we suggest making your own. Buy the pigments for the colors you want and mix it with a water-based white base. When making your own paint it's important to experiment, test the color and let it dry, then experiment some more. Have fun with it and you'll surely end up with a beautiful selection of colors for your home. Since it may be difficult to recreate the exact color you started with make sure that you have enough for the space you are painting. Since homemade paints include food ingredients as binders and fillers, you can keep them in the fridge, but the best thing is to use it as soon as possible.

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